FSE -Friday School of Economics

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FSE (Friday School of Economics)

Teaching methodology for under-graduate studentsin the country is confined largely to lecturing and rote learning. While it is essential, it fails to give a flavour of applied knowledge to students. They learn theories only to reproduce at examinations. Sinceeconomics is considered to be a science, it needs some kind of experiments to substantiate their theoretical knowledge, although unlike discipline of pure sciences. So, it requires a platform for young minds to initiate a logical thinking and discussions on the key concepts and theories of economics. These concepts and theories can be applied to solve socio-economic problems of the country.

Unfortunately, there is no such platform available in colleges which continue to encourage students to think beyond the textbooks on regular basis. Friday school of economics was conceived and founded to fill this gap in studies at under-graduate level. It was set up in 2010 by MrBir Singh, Assistant Professor, in department of economics. Thus far,it has organised various activities matching its vision and goals. It aspires to produce a large number of humane intellectuals, scholars, thinkers, and social scientists who would contribute to building up a peaceful, harmonious, and prosperous human society. Such a society which promotes and respects diversity of religions, cultures, systems; which rewards and respects nobility of human life and the ecology; and which provides warmth and love for global value systems.

FSE is open to all students of all educational institutions of the capital. Many students from other colleges and technical institutions joyfully and enthusiastically participate in its activities. It has the privilege and honour of organizing lectures by eminent academicians, scholars, and intellectuals in the past few years.

Contact Details


Convenor Name Email ID Mobile No.
Mr. Bir Singh birsingh@dcac.du.ac.in 8527931832

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