Enactus Society

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Enactus Society

Enactus, earlier known as SIFE is an international non-profit organisation that brings together student, academic and business leaders who are committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to improve the quality of life and standard of living for people in need. It currently operates in 36 countries. Guided by academic advisors and business experts, the student leaders of Enactus create and implement community empowerment projects around the globe.

At Enactus Delhi College of Arts and Commerce we aim to empower backward communities through the positive power of social entrepreneurship and are currently running three projects for the same:

With Project Vikalp, we aim to harness the stitching talent of the women from the lesser fortunate sections of society. The different kind of bags stitched by these women are then sold through various retail chains, e-commerce sites and stall set-ups. A cottage industry with 15 female entrepreneurs has been set up under the project. They have been trained in various marketing techniques, running intricate machines, financial literacy, and more to run the model independently.

Under the banner of Project Adhikaar, we aim to provide women a sustainable means of livelihood by training them to become e-rickshaw drivers. Thus, providing a three-fold impact with safety for women in commutation sector, an opportunity to earn a regular income and use of an eco-friendly means of transport. This project has also received the benedictions of our honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi in the Standup India Event.

Through Project Cansurvive, we aim to aid the victims and survivors of cancer by addressing the issues of financial crisis, social discrimination and medical problems that come with this disease. We have a prosthetic bra as the unique product in this project. This bra is required by breast cancer patients and our product costs 85% less than its market substitutes and is approved by various oncologists. Various cancer awareness camps are also held as a part of this project.

Awards and Achievements:

1. Adjudged as one of the top 5 teams at the Enactus India National Competition, 2016
2. Recognised and encouraged by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in the Stand Up India
3. Winner, Walmart Women's Economic Empowerment Project Partnership, India
4. Runners up, ISEED Social Entrepreneurship Competition 2015
5. Winner, Bluedart Special Competition, 2016
6. Winner, Enactus Mahindra Rise Special Competition 2016
7. Winner, KPMG Business Ethics Grant 2016

Contact Details

Convenor Name Email ID Mobile No.
Dr. Mukesh Bagoria mbagoria@dcac.du.ac.in 9810887805

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