  • Intellectual Resonance
    ISSN: 2321-2594

    Delhi College of Arts and Commerce
    University of Delhi, Delhi 110023

About Intellectual Resonance

Intellectual Resonance: DCAC Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies is an annual double-blind peer-reviewed/refereed journal that provides faculty and research scholars an academic space to submit their unpublished research papers, book reviews, and research essays for publication. The Journal caters to the disciplines of Humanities and Social Sciences and is published in English. Launched in 2013, with ISSN: 2321-2594, the Journal has an Editorial Advisory Board comprising scholars from Indian and Foreign Universities and Institutions. The interdisciplinary foci of the Journal enable dialogues and convergences across disciplinary domains ranging from Literature, Cinema, Finance, Public Policy, Media and Cultural Studies, Communication Studies, History, Marketing, and allied subjects to name just a few. This diversity and range provides readers and researchers a vibrant and rigourous academic opportunity for fostering critical thinking and participating in the creation of new areas of interdisciplinary research and knowledge dissemination.

Journal Particulars
Title Intellectual Resonance, DCAC Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Launch Year 2013
ISSN 2321-2594 (Print)
Frequency Annual
Issuing Body Delhi College of Arts & Commerce, (University of Delhi)
Chief Editor Prof. Rajiv Chopra
Principal, DCAC & Professor of Commerce
Managing Editor Dr. Animesh Mohapatra
Associate Professor, Department of English, DCAC
Copyright Delhi College of Arts & Commerce, University of Delhi
Subject Disciplines of Humanities and Social Sciences
Publication Format Print and Online
Email Id intellectualresonance@dcac.du.ac.in
Website https://dcac.du.ac.in/intellectual_resonance